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Gahn Studios Founder Becomes a Solo-Content Creator for Faith-based Series

Founder Leah Williams launches her first solo animated drama series for faith-based entertainment and fundraising prospects during a temporary downturn. The movie-length, cinematic-style episodes take viewers into each character's journey in a small town at the base of Zion Hillsprings,

"I started this series because there wasn't much entertainment for mature Messianic believers within the diaspora, representing people of color and converts from various ethnic populations. I felt led to create one episode with the internet-based software available and my old computer, with the intent to inspire others, provoke thought, and potentially raise funds during my downturn," says Williams.

"Hidden Distractions" received overwhelming support, exceeding 1,000 subscribers within the first 2 months of launching. Williams believes her 30+ hours per week efforts and prayers are worth the sacrifice. "I'm confident that the Most High will continue to provide a way for me to create more episodes and additional shows. His will be done, in the lives of each viewer and the messages that will be delivered."

The series premieres every other weekend on YouTube, with more shows in the works for the Gahn Studios platform if the right sponsorships come along.

Updated July 22, 2024 to include public response to scam artists and the "inspired content creators". [ See Commentary from Leah ]


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